Welcome to the Swiss Society for Matrix Biology
The aims of the Swiss Society for Matrix Biology are to promote and develop scientific exchange
- between scientists of Swiss laboratories in academic, medical institutions and in industry, who are interested in research on the extracellular matrix, cell-matrix interactions, and related areas in biology and medicine.
- between the 'Swiss Society for Matrix Biology' and the 'Federation of European Connective Tissue Societies', the 'International Society for Matrix Biology', and other national 'Societies for Matrix Biology'.
Become a Member
Membership Application
Please, click here.
The Swiss Society for Matrix Biology is an alliance of scientists of Swiss laboratories in academic, medical institutions and in industry, who are interested in research on the extracellular matrix, cell-matrix interactions, and related areas in biology and medicine.
In order to avoid costly formalities no written bylaws nor membership fees exist. The daily business is handled by the President, Vice-president, and, if necessary, by ad hoc committees. The first two are nominated at annual meetings.Social Feed
Get the latest updates from the Swiss Society for Matrix Biology (@SwissMatrixBio) from our social feed on twitter.
[Feb 10th 2020]
The Swiss Society nominates Dr. Ulrich Blache for the Dick Heinegård European Young Investigator Competition
It is our great pleasure to nominate @UliBlache as candidate for the Swiss Society for Matrix Biology to compete for the prestigious Dick Heinegård European Young Investigator Award 2020 at the Europe meeting 2020 in Florence 24-28 May 2020. http://www.mbe2020.org
[Jan 13rd 2020]
Swiss Society deadline for Nomination for Dick Heinegård European Young Investigator Award
Dear Swiss Society for Matrix Biology
may I kindly ask PIs to nominate candidates (post docs for less than 5 years) for the Dick Heinegård European Young Investigator Award.
Each Society nominates a candidate to compete at the Matrix Biology Europe meeting 2020 in Florence 24-28 May 2020. http://www.mbe2020.org
Candidates should apply by sending their CV including publications and an abstract of the work to be presented at the MBE 2020 to collin-ewald@ethz.ch (Vice President of SSMB) no later than 13.01.2020.
Looking forward seeing you in Florence next spring.For more info please see http://www.ssmb.ch/awards
[Sep 9th 2019]
Superhighway Of Our Cells: Extracellular Matrix with Prof. Collin Ewald- Ira Pastor, ideaXme longevity and aging ambassador and Founder of Bioquark, interviews Prof. Dr. Collin Ewald, Department of Health Sciences and Technology, at ETH Zurich (The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich), Founder of Swiss Society for Aging Research and Vice President Swiss Society for Matrix Biology.
https://radioideaxme.com/2019/09/10/dr-collin-ewald-ecm/[Dec 2018]
Announcement: Registration for the SSMB Annual Meeting 2019 is open.
Annual SSMB Meeting 2019 in Bern at the Institute of Anatomy, March 8, 2019 (10:15-16:45)
Keynote speakers: Sabine Werner (ETHZ) and Bernhard Wehrle-Haller (U. Geneva)
Ps. The meeting as well as SSMB membership are for free (no charge). We strive to foster scientific exchange among Matrix aficionados and newcomers.
[May 2018]
Letter from the president of the Swiss Society for Matrix Biology (SSMB) to International Society for Matrix Biology (ISMB).
Please, see page 4. [click here to download: ISMB Newsletter May 2018]
[Dec 19th 2017]
Joint meeting of the German and Swiss Societies for Matrix Biology
March 22-24th 2018 in Stuttgart
Pre-Conference Young Investigator Session March 21st-22nd 2018
Confirmed Plenary Speaker: Matthias Lutolf (EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland)
[July 10th 2017]
Dear Colleagues and friends,
Please find below an announcement of the scientific day organized in honour of David Hulmes’ retirement on the 9th of November 2017 that will take place in Lyon.
Information and registration can be found on the website of the French Society for Matrix Biology : http://www.sfbmec.fr/?page_id=2530.[May 6th 2017]
Joint 2018 German / Swiss / Danish Societies for Matrix Biology Annual Meeting
We are delighted to announce that the 2018 Annual Meeting will be held on 22.-24. March 2018 together with the Deutschen Gesellschaft für Matrix Biology (DGMB) and the Danish Society for Matrix Biology in Stuttgart Germany.
[Feb 16th 2017]
Thank you for this wonderful 2017 SSMB Annual Meeting
We would like to thank all speakers and participants for this highly interactive and vibrant meeting. We uploaded some pictures.
Please, click here.The thumbnails to the pictures are found on the bottom of the "Annual Meeting" page.
[Feb 13th 2017]Final Program for the 2017 SSMB Annual Meeting
Please, click here.
[Feb 3rd 2017]
FEBS Advanced Lecture Course on Matrix Pathobiology, Signaling and Molecular Targets (6th FEBS-MPST 2017)
Dear Members of the SSMB
As the contact person of the SSMB (Swiss Society of Matrix Biology) to the MBE (Matrix Biology Europe) I would like to forward you the invitation of our Greek colleagues for their FEBS course on matrix pathology. It is an outstanding course which they offer since years.
Best regards,
http://www.febs-mpst2017.upatras.gr[Jan 25th 2017]
Welcome to the (Extracellular) Matrix
An interview with Dr. Collin Ewald.
http://geroscience.com/welcome-extracellular-matrix-interview/[Dec 29th 2016]
Annual Meeting 2017
We are excited to announce this year’s Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society for Matrix Biology (SSMB) to be held on February 15th 2017 in Bern.
Moreover, it is our great pleasure to have two outstanding researchers in the field of matrix biology as keynote speakers:
Matthias Chiquet (Uni Bern) and Viola Vogel (ETH Zurich).
We would like to invite you to join SSMB and participate at the Annual Meeting. Both SSMB membership and the Annual Meeting are free of charge. We encourage PIs to nominate their postdoctoral fellows or PhD students to show case their exciting work in a short presentation.
Please, click here for info and registration.
We are looking forward welcoming you at SSMB and at the Annual Meeting.
[Dec 5th 2016]
Matrix Biologists in ActionThanks to the editor-in-chief Dr. Renato Iozzo, the December issue of Matrix Biology (http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/0945053X) includes the "Matrix Biologists in Action” related with the 2nd Matrix Biology Europe Conference, held in Athens last june 2016. The article could be downloaded here:
[Nov 10th 2016]
Fritz Verzár (1886–1979): An almost forgotten pioneer
Thanks to @MartinHicklin & @unibasel for this great article in memory of Fritz Verzar. "He would have celebrated his 130th birthday on September 18 this year."
He pioneered an assay (rat tendon tail assay) that is still used today for measuring age-related changes (cross-linking of collagens). "Verzár’s work on collagen attracted widespread interest, and rat tendons remained a popular model in gerontology."
English Version:
German Version:
[Jun 11th 2016]
2nd Matrix Biology Europe (MBE) Conference
(being the XXVth FECTS Meeting), Athens (Greece), 11th – 14th June 2016.
© 2017